Marcus And Melissa

Marcus And Melissa

Thursday, June 24, 2010

to Marcus hope this helps

I love you glitters
I Love You

Good day

I had a pretty good day today... I went to help my aunt rap her leg and then she took me to my favorite place to eat (Zupas yummy).. I then helped my cousins clean up my grandpas yard... Then came home and talked to my boyfriend.. I am soo sooo happy to be back with him... I really want this to work this time so I am really trying hard to take it slow so we can be together.. :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

His Love

Never A Better Hero

Together again.

So we are back together. If everyone hasn't heard already. I missed her i really did. I'm glad we are back together. This time though. I'm taking things slow. I don't want to mess this up. I really care about her. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My awesome dream

I was up in Logan with Marcus and we were at Logan temple reading our scriptures, He stopped me from reading the scripture I was on kissed me and then got down on his knee and asked me to marry him he said I know I don't have a job and a car and I will be going to school but I just felt it was right.. I was happy.. He then asked if we could pray and thank Heavenly Father for bring us together.. I said yea but I can't do it because it wouldn't be right I am too happy and it would be for the wrong reasons.. So he started to say the pray and when he got to thanks for bring us together both of our grandma's showed up.. They said that they helped bring us together.. then they said that me and Marcus would go though a lot of trials but that we would get though them and that they would bring us closer together.. My grandma then started to talk to me and it was just like me and her were there.. She told me that everything was ok and that she was happy... She said that me and Marcus were going to have 6 kids and that My mom will be able to hold each and everyone of them.. She told me to tell me grandpa that she is waiting for him.. She said that everything was going to be ok with the family.. She said that Loraine is going to be ok too.. Then it was all four of us again and all they kept saying that everything was sopost to happen and that it was right for us and that it was ment to be and that we would go though trials but we would get though them and that they would bring us closer together... Marcus's grandma said pretty much the same to him that everything was going to be ok and that he would find a job and that he would go to school.. and that we would go though the trials but that it would make us come closer... then they said good bye and I told my grandma I loved her and that I miss her tight hugs and Marcus told his grandma bye and that he loved her too.. and then they left...

What does this mean???????

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I was sad that Marcus broke up with me but I was happy that we could be friends... I still however wish we were going out... I really do like him and I just wish he know that I did and not in a crazy way.. I can't explan it; it just is... I just wish I could really tell him how I feel but everytime I try it comes out all wrong or sounds really bad and scary.. I don't mean for it to but it does.. I hope and pray everyday that he knows that I like him no matter what happens.... He is my best friend and always will be... I hope someday it could be more but I will have to just wait and see...

I'm mad at myself

So i broke up with melissa a few weeks ago. Now i wonder every day if i made the right decision by doing so. I care about her. There was just a few things that concerned me. I just wasn't ready. Now i don't know if she'll ever forgive me. I wish i did know. What to do oh what to do.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9,2010

I am so very very happy and I can't quite smiling... It is just all falling in to place... It just feels so right... I am so so happy... :) :) :)

Marriage talks

K so there have been alot of talks about me and meliss getting married. Well actually we have been doin alot of thinkin too. We've been talkin. It just seems like it's ment to be. We've decided on alot of the same things. Except one. Which temple. I want oquirrh mountain temple and she wants logan temple. They are both beautiful temples. Well which one has better places to take shots????????

Monday, June 7, 2010

Things in my life.

So lately things have been great. Me and Melissa are still going strong. I think she may be the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. Who know's what the future will hold. So far though it's looking like she is the one. I've never been so happy in my life. K becoming an Elder will always top everything. Cause the gospel will always come first in my life. But i really think she is the one. She makes me happy i can't explain it. She's like the best thing to me. I'm the luckiest person in the world. I really truelly am.

June 7, 2010

Today turned out ok.. Everything with my mom is going ok... She got her line out today.. yay :) Well I wanted to say is I went to church yesterday and one guy got up and started talking about how he met this guy on a trip and the guy said you are in the valley well he asked what that ment and he continued to tell him that it ment that you have to go though the valley to get though life... I was sitting there and I was thinking well my valley has a lot of hills in them.. I go up a little at a time and then right back down in the valley I go.. Right now I am right at the top of one of the hills looking down into the valley seeing what I have to go though...

I am still really really happy with my boyfriend... I can't stop smilling... I miss him so very much when I am not with him... :( :)... Can't wait until the 19th when I get to see him in person again... :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

and even more

more fun

more pictures of the fun weeks

Pictures that i took. The first two weeks we hung.

2 Weeks of fun fun fun

So the last two weeks i have been hanging out with an amazing girl. She is the best thing that has happened to me in a while. She brings out the best in me. I don't know how to explain it. Everytime i think of her i smile. She is so beautiful. I thank my Heavenly Fahter for blessing my life with such a beautiful daughter of his.

June 6, 2010

I have had the best 2 weeks of my life.. I am so very very happy... I did not ever want it to end.. I want it to go on for ever.. I am in love with the most wonderful guy that would do anything for me... I am so excited to have him in my life.. He is so way sweet and awesome.. I can't wait until the next time I get to see him..